Welcome to our adventures. I try as best as I can to document the happenings here in our family - everything from the shenanigans to the spiritual, from the kid to the kitchen, from the cat to the catastrophes. We believe that adventure can be found in everything we do...even in the mundane tasks of the day. When we set our minds on things above in gratitude to God, we find the strength to approach life with a sense of purpose & adventure. The adventure may not always be what we have planned...but isn't that what adventure is all about?

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Monday, April 20, 2009
Abby tells me about the eggs they are keeping in the class that will be hatching into chickens soon.

"Mom. Guess what. We have chicken eggs in class. We are keeping them in a enominator so they will be warm."

Vocab mishaps are one of my favorite things about kids...a few of my favorites so far:

deorient for deodorant
refrigerlator for refrigerator
cafeterion for cafeteria (she still calls it that!)

Do you have a favorite vocab mishap?


Mel said...

OMG! Can I just say that when I taught Kindergarten we would do that every year--- disgusting! And the worst smell ever! And then there's the "circle of life" talk you have to have when some don't actually make it--- but if you're a city girl like me then it really is a neat experience! Too fun!