Welcome to our adventures. I try as best as I can to document the happenings here in our family - everything from the shenanigans to the spiritual, from the kid to the kitchen, from the cat to the catastrophes. We believe that adventure can be found in everything we do...even in the mundane tasks of the day. When we set our minds on things above in gratitude to God, we find the strength to approach life with a sense of purpose & adventure. The adventure may not always be what we have planned...but isn't that what adventure is all about?

Other Stuff We Do

Blog Archive

Monday, April 13, 2009
Part of me is reluctant to document this episode...mainly because I'm embarrassed that my child actually did this. But the other part of me is thinking...there have GOT to be other kids in the world that do stuff like this.

I was making dinner. Abby was talking on the phone to Grandaddy. All of the sudden, Abby comes in the kitchen - still holding the phone in her hand. She's slightly on the verge of losing it (Dad...you can testify to this, right?). I put my kitchen utensil down and sit on the kitchen chair to see what's wrong. She's got this crazy look in her eye. It was makin' me nervous.

"What is the matter, sweet, loving, daughter?" (Ok, I added that last part in because I want you to believe that I'm a sweet, loving, mother).

"Something happened in my nose!!"


"Ummm....something is in my nose!!"


"I was holding this thing and now it's in my nose!!"

I love how she didn't come right out and say, "I stuck something in my nose". It was as if she was holding something, and some random nostril vortex sucked it in.

So...I recalled the page in the Mother's Handbook that talks about foreign objects in the nose. I placed my pointer finger on opposite nostril and instructed the child to blow.

From her opposite nostril jettisoned a small, orange, foamie square - a remnant from a fun mosaic project that Grandma sent her. It hit me in the chest (fortunately, I did not sustain any injuries - although there may be some damage that has not shown up yet) and then bounced onto the table.

I then calmly told Grandaddy that we would call him back, because I was about to have a "talk" with the child.

Mike came in right as I was asking, "Why did you think it was a good idea to stick this up your nose?". The look on Mike's face cannot be documented at this time.

While I calmly, and lovingly continued to explain the problem with inserting things into your nostril, a little blood started to pool around her precious little nose hole.

Knowing how my daughter would react to this new development, I asked Mike to quickly retrieve a Kleenex. I dabbed the blood and did a magic trick to hide the evidence.

Abby was very upset and kept asking me, "Did I damage my body??"

I reassured her that her body was not damaged and that there was something really, really cool that happened as a result of what she did. "Huh?" A glimmer of hope sparkled in her eye. I explained to her that she learned a valuable lesson and it didn't cost her but a few tears (and some blood that she doesn't know about).

"So, from now on, the only thing that goes in your nose is your finger...and, even that should be done sparingly!!"

Pick a winner,

PS - please...please...please...somebody tell me that their kid has stuck stuff up their nose. I need some love here.


Brandi Hasley said...

I can't offer any love in this area...yet! I can offer some laughs at the finger in the nose only sparingly. John Reagan loves to pick his nose, and he almost always retrieves what he went in there for.

Anonymous said...

Where was the reb during this episode?

Dude- you're funnier than P Dub...by far.

Nicole said...

Matthew put pretzels in his nose and we had to retrieve them the same way. Your child is not the only one to do this. Matthew has also put carrot stick in his nose and called himself a walrus. You are not alone.

Kay B said...

My son put a small rock up his nose when he was 3. We had to take him to the emergency room because it was not coming out. A wonderful Dr. Stein used tweezers to get it out after trying everything conceivable. We kept the rock, and it's in our curio cabinet to show his prom date someday :) Also, now when he tries to do something crazy, we warn him of visiting Dr. Stein. No more problems SO FAR.

Kristin Amaro said...

Nicole & Kay - thanks for sharing these stories....I don't feel so all alone now!!
