Welcome to our adventures. I try as best as I can to document the happenings here in our family - everything from the shenanigans to the spiritual, from the kid to the kitchen, from the cat to the catastrophes. We believe that adventure can be found in everything we do...even in the mundane tasks of the day. When we set our minds on things above in gratitude to God, we find the strength to approach life with a sense of purpose & adventure. The adventure may not always be what we have planned...but isn't that what adventure is all about?

Other Stuff We Do

Friday, May 29, 2009
I could have called this post, "my baby's done growed up" but I thought it would be wise to display my edumacational aptitude so you all will think I'm smart.

August 2006, first day of Pre-school

Can you stand this picture? Inspect the cheeks...take them in. Commit them to memory. Nevermind the hack job on the bangs - c'mon, I can only do so many things and now you want me to have a cosmetology degree too? Look past the bangs. The cheeks...THE CHEEKS. I love those cheeks.

August 2007, first day of Jr. Kindergarten

Ahhh...Jr. Kindergarten (otherwise known as glorified second year of preschool). Of course Mom has made her wear the SAME Care Bears backpack that she wore for preschool. How embarrassing that must have been for her. You know how cruel those junior kindergartners can be about that sort of thing.

On a completely unrelated note...I'm having a moment looking at my flowers from our house back in CA. Maybe soon I will have some flowers in my TN flowerbed. ~~sigh~~

July 2008, first day of Kindergarten

NO! NO! Not the Care Bears backpack.... Fortunately for Abby, after the first day of Kindergarten, her teacher dropped a subtle hint that perhaps the Care Bears backpack might be "a little small".

Kindergarten school picture #1 (Aug 2008)

Kindergarten school picture #2 (April 2009)

Is this a new trend? Since when do I need two school pictures? Does that much change in 8 months? Do I not take enough pictures at home that I need the staged Olan Mills shot? Where is the wagon wheel? Or has the metal rail replaced the wagon wheel as the prop of choice?

Hey, I'm a sucker just like the next Mom. The picture peeps got 2 checks from me, don-cha-know.

Almost a first grader - May 2009

Today was Abby's last day of Kindergarten. No more Kindergarten escapades to write about. More importantly, my spell checker will finally get a break from the word Kindergarten. I always spell that word wrong! Now I can move onto numbers. I'm very excited.

People, my girl is growing up...I can hardly stand it...it's happening right before my eyes. She's a beautiful, smart, funny, tender-hearted little person who can't talk without moving her hands. I love her so much!

Thanks for letting me have my Mommy moment.



Anonymous said...

omg...so cute!!

Brandi Hasley said...

WOW! I can't believe how much she's grown just since starting Kindergarten, much less preschool. I love the cheeks in the Preschool picture. I feel you on the cheeks.