Welcome to our adventures. I try as best as I can to document the happenings here in our family - everything from the shenanigans to the spiritual, from the kid to the kitchen, from the cat to the catastrophes. We believe that adventure can be found in everything we do...even in the mundane tasks of the day. When we set our minds on things above in gratitude to God, we find the strength to approach life with a sense of purpose & adventure. The adventure may not always be what we have planned...but isn't that what adventure is all about?

Other Stuff We Do

Thursday, July 17, 2008
Well, we've officially been visited! Actually, the visitations are still in progress and will continue through to next week as we welcome Gdaddy into the mix. Gmama & Gpapa have been enjoying their time here in the Boro, taking in all the sights and flavors of the town. We also had a great visit with Randy's folks (aka Great Gma, Great Gpa and the Jakester). They "stopped by" on their way to Alabama from Missouri! Today, Abby took a day trip w/ Gmama & Gpapa to Nashville where they visited the original Opry as well as the new Opry. They ate ice cream and also had dinner at the Aquarium restaurant (which some of you may remember my review of that from the 2300 miles blog last year). There were also hotel slumber parties, swimming and some plain old hanging out time as well. They were also able to visit our new church home and attend our home inspection (more on that below). We will have to say goodbye tomorrow, but look forward to Gdaddy's arrival on Monday (right, Dad??)


Yesterday we went to the house and hung out while the home inspection was being done. No surprises, the house is in great condition at 14 years of age. We did run into a few unexpected bonuses (which are always welcome!). Our home owners insurance will be about 40% less here than it was on our last house. We also don't have to pay city taxes because the house is just outside of the city limits. It's safe to say at this point, the house is ours....now we have to rekindle our love affair with the 725 boxes that we said goodbye to just a few short weeks ago. I'm not complaining (although it may seem that way)...the boxes were good to us....it will be good to see them again. But, we're going to take it slow....not move into the relationship too fast. Maybe out for coffee first, then perhaps a lunch date. Yes, I'm very excited about moving.....anyone up for helping?????????


Tonight Mike and I attended the very first school parent meeting of our entire lives. Well, that's not true - I think preschool had a few, but this is Kindergarten, baby. There's a whole new ballgame goin' on here. Basically, it was an informational meeting that talked about the school - how it's "different" than the others and how the program will be, etc, etc. I was fine with all the discussion.....except.......for (insert climactic crescendoing cacophonous musical emphasis here) the details of the drop off and the pickup. Listen...I am a grown woman. And, I like to think I have some level of intelligence. I mean, after all, I have given birth to a "high achiever". But this drop off thing has got me in a tail spin. For those of you who are not following, the "drop off" is the thing, or process that occurs at every school for a period of time before the first bell rings. The parent driver, with child(ren) in car, follows a predetermined sequence of driving patterns dictated by men with many designations after their name and orchestrated by trolls from a faraway land. The drop off is NOT to be confused with the pick up, which is slightly different because said child is "deposited" into said car and taken away by said parent. I fear for my life, and the life of my child...I pray there is a PDF file somewhere that I can download and study that will prepare me for this event. Please pray for me.

Well - that's all for now...stay tuned for more adventures!

love & miss,

ps - don't forget to check out the Dropshots Account...pictures have been updated!